A key to the success of our students is our focus on core curriculum. There are many specialty skills electrical workers can have, but all of that is meaningless without the solid foundation of core skills. Today, we are seeing more and more workers jump straight to a highly specialized skill, without the proper understanding of electrical work. This concerns us, as only those that understand the true power of electrical work and how to harness it safely should be building out your projects. Nothing is more dangerous than any improperly done with electricity.
Don't leave it to chance. Know that the craftsperson you hire have the core skills necessary by hiring electrical training ALLIANCE-trained craftsperson.
Our industry-renowned apprenticeship program is the highest level of education any electrical worker can receive. By simultaneously combining classroom curriculum with real-world experience, students become the best craftspersons possible. We go to extensive lengths to ensure the craftsperson you hire are the best they can be before they ever step foot on your jobsite.
Electrical craftspersonsin different regions need different skills. A craftsperson in Arizona may need to know a lot more about alternative energy than a craftsperson in Pennsylvania, who may need to know a lot more about health care systems than a craftsperson in Wyoming....
This is why our curriculum contains a core component and an advanced studies options, so your students can learn the applicable skills relevant to your market. Whether you have projects in one location or throughout North America, using electrical training ALLIANCE-trained craftspersons ensures the job is done right.